AGIF - Prototype/Working Model (Fall Cycle)
“Prototype Project” is a project to develop a working model (prototype) for an idea that can be fully tested and evaluated. The proposal will typically involve activities needed to develop a realistic, functional version of the idea and assess the target audience’s response. The proposal will also need to include a plan for financial sustainability and implementation at scale if the working model is successful. Other sources of funding (current, pending, and future) besides the AGIF implementation stage funds should be identified. The maximum award is $100,000 for up to two years of funding. For more information, see the Academic Growth and Innovation Fund (AGIF) website.
- Award
- $100,000
- Scopes
- AGIF - Academic Growth and Innovation Fund
- Deadline
- 12/10/2024
- Supplemental Questions
- Project Title
- Project Description
- Keywords
Enter up to 5 keywords that are relevant to the proposed project, separated by commas. - Grant Request Total
- Project Narrative
- Budget Template
- Budget Narrative Template
- Indicate the status of DePaul’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) as it relates to this project
- Indicate the status of DePaul’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) as it relates to this project
- Indicate the status of DePaul’s Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) as it relates to this project
- Letter of support from the project lead’s Dean or Vice President
- Letter of support from the project lead’s Chair or Manager
- Optional letter(s) of collaboration from other internal and external entities
- Internal or external entity reference
- Cover Page and Checklist
- Withdraw Submitted Application?
Check this box only if you wish to withdraw your previously submitted application.
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